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Photo of Ms. Lise, her son's Vinny and Dominic and finace Sal.
Photo of Ms. Lise and her son Vinny.
Photo of Ms. Lise's sons, Vinny and Dominic.


Let me start by saying how grateful I am to be able to work with your child this year! I am looking forward to sharing and engaging in the learning process with both you and your child! I


I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself. My name is Nicole Lise, I am 29 years old. I moved to Tucson almost 3 years agofrom Pennsylvania. I live here in Tucson with my boyfriend, and our three kids, Dominic, 7 (starting 3rd grade here at MZ), Vinny, 3 years old and Angelo, 4 months old. I love baseball, the New York Yankees being my favorite team! I have a passion for baking as well. This is my 3rd year here at MZ, before this I taught 1/2 Multi-Age at Ventana Vista.

 Sometimes the first few weeks are a little bumpy for everyone. If there is something you would like to know, please write a note, email me, or leave a message for me with the office to return your call. Email is the easiest way for me to respond quickly. Please feel free to discuss any issues that may occur with me. If I can’t help you find a solution for your concern, I will do my best to find someone who can.


I am thrilled to start the 1st school year here at Manzanita with you and your child! Thank you so much for your help and support as we begin on our learning journey!


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